Log Cluster Health

Users can view monitoring information, such as CPU utilization, memory utilization, and documents per second along with cluster statistics, such as total nodes, total shards, successful shards, number of indices, total number of documents, and size of documents.

Log Cluster Health has the following section as shown in Figure 74:

  • Cluster Overview
  • Cluster Statistics
  • Cluster Health
  • Indices
Figure 74: Log Cluster

Let us discuss them in detail.

Cluster Overview

It should displays below monitoring information:

  • CPU utilization
  • Memory utilization
  • Documents per second
Figure 76: Cluster Overview

Cluster Statistic

In cluster Statistics you have the following fields:

Figure 77-Cluster Statistics
  • Number of Nodes- Defines the total number of nodes in a cluster.
  • Documents- The total number of documents present in a cluster.
  • Total Shards- The total number of shards present in a cluster.
  • Successful Shards- The total number of successful shards present in a cluster.
  • Indices- The total number of indices present in a cluster.
  • SizeDefines the size of the cluster.

Cluster Health

In cluster health you have the following fields as shown in Figure 78:

Figure 78: Cluster Health
  • Let us discuss them.

    • Status: Shows the status of the cluster. It can be green or yellow.
    • Timed_out: Shows whether timed out in cluster is true or false.
    • Number of Nodes: Shows the number of nodes in the cluster.
    • Number of data nodes: Shows number of data nodes in cluster.
    • Active primary shards: Shows quantity of primary shards which are active.
    • Active Shards: Shows total number of shards including primary ones.
    • Relocating Shards: Shows the shards which are relocated to another cluster.
    • Initializing shards: Shows the shards which are initiated in cluster.


In Indices you have the following fields:

Figure 79: Indices

Let us discuss them in detail:

  • Index- Shows the name of the index.
  • Docs- The number of documents in the index.
  • Doc/sec- Shows how many documents are being ingested per second.
  • Primary Size- The size of the index.
  • Shards- The number of shards in an index.
  • Replicas- Shows how many replicas are present in an index.
  • Status- The status of an index.


In Indices you have the following fields:

Figure 79: Indices

Let us discuss them in detail:

  • Index- Shows the name of the index.
  • Docs- The number of documents in the index.
  • Doc/sec- Shows how many documents are being ingested per second.
  • Primary Size- The size of the index.
  • Shards- The number of shards in an index.
  • Replicas- Shows how many replicas are present in an index.
  • Status- The status of an index.